Simple and Affordable Party Decoration Ideas for Your Parties — May 26, 2016

Simple and Affordable Party Decoration Ideas for Your Parties

Parties, for children, especially during their birthdays are one of the most anticipated events in their lives. Some kids love the attention, some on the other hand simple enjoys spending time with their friends and families during this special day in their lives.

During these events, parents are busy with the task of fulfilling their child’s dream celebration. To some, throwing a party that their children would deeply appreciate add up to their achievement as parents. Exerting effort and finding time to prepare for this celebration may be stressful and costly. However, there are ways on how one can decorate with creativity and flair, minus the cost.

Here are some inexpensive ideas you can try on your next party decorating needs.

Decorate with balloons

Balloons are always present in a party. They are cheap and can be bought anywhere. There are also many ideas you can do with balloons to make your party venue look stunning and colorful. Simply buy balloons in a bulk and creatively attach them to your chairs, tables or go as far as creating a balloon wall for your celebrant. Helium balloons are also a party favor staple, but with bigger kids as your guests, you can settle for non-helium ones to save cost.

trucs et Bricolages.jpg

Photo Credit: Trucs et Bricolages via Pinterest

Party Bon Bons

Bon bons are usually used during Christmas but there are already prints that can be used for birthday parties as well. They can be twisted and hanged above your doors, windows, entry ways, tents and even at the edge of your party tables. They are cheap and one roll can last long to cover up a large area. You can also go for glittered ones to add sparkle in your venue.


Pinatas are not just for party games but can be used as decorations as well. Have several small piñatas win candies or one big one that you can use as the centerpiece for your party venue. The fun that piñatas bring during game play at a party is also worth the effort. It wouldn’t hurt your budget buying one or even two for your party as well.


Photo Credit: Flickr via Pinterest

Face and body paint

Kids and even adults would love to have face paint every now and then, especially the kids. A set would only cost you around $3-$5. You would not have to hire an artist at all because simple designs would do well for face paint and body paint decors. To make it even memorable, have your camera phones ready to take a souvenir picture and send them to your guests parents together with a thank you e-mail afterwards.

Parties need not be extravagant. As long as the birthday celebrant feels special and your guests well-fed and entertained, you can definitely claim your birthday preparation efforts a success.